Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2005 - 12:25 a.m.

Half crap day, half good. This morning was nice, worked in the writing centre for a little bit then had a short lunch with Karina. Then a fun stageplay class.

Sadly, my philosophy class was cancelled. I hope my instructor is ok. That, and I didn't get my midterm back for that class. BOO. That's the one I think I did very well on.

Did get my Narrative Film class essay back. Lamo B+. She complimented my writing, but my content was weak. It was an in-class essay. I had an hour to write it and I was dead sick.

Then we watched Wild Strawberries, which I loved.

Then I drove up cypress mountain to check out the city with the gaffer. We had a really nice time, it was relaxed, mellow, not at all strained. I hope we can keep that up.

In other news, I got my period, so that's all good, but it makes me want to EEEAAAATTTT!!!!!!!

So I think I will.

Chocolate. And Pork. Not together, but in that order.

I love you guys.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish