Monday, Oct. 17, 2005 - 11:22 p.m.
humour and conversation

Half of the people on my 'buddie list' (misspelling intentional) don't update anymore.


I suppose no update is better than whining update?

This is kinda socially taboo, so those who think of me as classy, don't read this section.

I was in the loo, doing what you do in there, and I picked my nose. Then I thought about how, in the privacy of my own home, I think nothing of this practice. It is, in fact, a relief because there are often uncomfortable things up there. And then I got to wondering, how did this become so socially disgusting? I mean, I can understand not wanting to look at what people pull outta there at a restaurant or something, but when we're driving in traffic and we see a dude picking his nose, we all go "ewww that guy just totally mined for green gold did you see that?" Half of us pick our own noses in the car, so what's the big deal?

I also noted that our fingers are the perfect size and fit rather snugly. Coincidence? I think it might not be.

Anyway, I just wondered. Because sometimes it's really satisfying to get it good.

Ok those of sensitive constition, come back and read, I'll talk about other things now.

I have fallen in love. With WOLF PARADE. They're a band from Montreal and they are GREAT. Great great great.

Listen to "I'll Believe In Anything". Effing brilliant song.

Also good: Police and the Private by Metric. Get it. Good stuff.

I have all the lights off in my place, and the fire on. This is the life. I had a brief msn conversation with the Gaffer. It went half ok half not ok. He's a mess, seriously. Worse than I am, although not about us. I'm just mad, and exasperated. He doesn't get anything.

It's sad, in a way, to witness the destruction of a young person's idealism. Remember, he's 22, and this is his first REALLY big break up. This is the sad moment when you see the light die in his eyes and he becomes another one of those damaged men who don't trust women, but instead fuckwitts them and treats them like the enemy. Then they never get close to anyone else again, and refuse to be "conquered" in that way again.

It's heartbreaking. For me because it happened to me, and because I had to watch it happen.

I like fireplaces. It makes movement on the walls while the light plays around. It feels like more life in here, moving around like that. Blue cold rooms are like corpses. This is like hell full of demons and dancing imps. And me.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish