Sunday, Jan. 30, 2005 - 10:17 p.m.
oxford comma

Well. I went insane, and I am now the proud renter of a fine Czech cello.

A cello. YAY! I can play umm, what's it called, first position? Where your hand does the first four notes on the string and then moves up to the next string? Well, since I can't remember any of my music theory, I'll just say that I can play one third of the bass clef, or is that half? If I am not counting any sharps and flats?

YAY. What's hard is actually reading music in the bass clef. I sing alto, and I've played treble clef instruments until recently, so I have to relearn the damned bass clef.

Laura-Jane, help me not learn bad habits! I am going to take a lesson when I have money, and I figure I'll just take a lesson and then work on it for ages, and then take another, and then once I get good enough, I will start taking more lessons more often.

Right now I'm still strangling cats, but I can do it with my fingers mostly in the right places.

I had a good weekend. I went out a lot. I hung out with bootybrown. I danced both Friday and Saturday night, and now I'm bagged and pooped and I have a dumb old quiz in latin tomorrow.

But I am thinking of going to Oxford.

What a snob I'm becoming!! All this Oxford, Latin, and cellos. (notice I used the oxford comma????? didja??)

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish