Monday, Sept. 06, 2004 - 10:03 p.m.
hocus pocus

I walk through the world. I see people, and I am one of those few who NOTICE people. I notice almost everything. The looks on their faces, the things they are carrying, the way they carry themselves. Who they are with. Who they are not with. What their morning routine might be. I don't make judgements on them, usually, but I do try to imagine who they are.

Now, as I walk through the world, I notice more, and I feel less me. I wonder what it is that's so different about me. Nonie said that being able to analyze things is a skill, a talent, and not everyone has the brains to do it. But I suggested in counterpoint that perhaps ignorance truly is bliss.

Being complex is a curse in so many ways. How can I have a normal life? Here I am, wanting desperately for someone to just go away, yet when there's no word, and they've gone away, I can't help but feel weird about it?

And why is it that I get what I want when it involves me being left to myself? It doesn't seem to go the other way.

Anyway. I'll just continue to buy new shoes, and notice everyone else's shoes, and perhaps guess what kind of shampoo they used by the smell.

I'll continue to try my mind reading act, and maybe one day, I'll actually be able to do it.

Wouldn't that make things easier? HA!

Also: Saw Napoleon Dynamite and almost cried I laughed so hard. And I almost cried because if you gave him a cool hair cut and stylish clothes and changed his voice, he'd be Cameron.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish