Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2004 - 1:35 a.m.
Just another day, like any other day, like the last day, and the day before that.

Lately, I've been addicted to this X-Box game called Fable. Damn it's fun. It's a dangerous time eater.

I'm not inspired, really, at least not today.

I say that, but on Sunday while running I came up with a great idea for a feature length film. My friend Chris threw in some ideas, listened to me form it and sorta guided the idea while we ran. So now I have this fantastic idea, which I'll talk about later, maybe I'll post some of the outline I wrote. But the decision is, do I want to try to write it as a novel first, then a screenplay, or the other way around?

Either way, I'd like it to be a film eventually, and I'd like to play the lead, but for now, I'll settle for fleshing the damned idea out in the first place and making it into something other than a great idea on paper in outline form forever and ever.

I am having a good hair night, and there's no one to see it. I can't even be bothered to take a photo.

I tested three different chocolates the other night - inside out reese's peanut butter cups, peanut butter twix for you Island folk, and a peanut butter jumbo kitkat. It was a peanut butter fest. And they all tasted more or less the same. Oh well. Salty with too much sugar and no real peanuts, really. And chocolate.

But they were yummy enough that if you're bingy and you want chockies, I say go for them. We'll discuss etiquette at a later date.

OH, in other news, I received a copy of a film I made last year called "Hard Work" finally. I'm so stoked! It was fantastic, I hadn't seen the whole thing yet. I was very impressed. I had a small small role in it, (that's not what impressed me...) and the writing and editing etc was so clever I just giggled my way through the whole thing. It's won a few honourable mentions and third places as film festivals around the world - hungary, toronto, montreal, ohio - so it's getting some exposure. It's definitely something I'm proud to have on my resume.

Nope. No tampon commercials for this girl.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish