Sunday, Feb. 20, 2005 - 6:41 p.m.

Redeemability is an excellent trait. Do we change people because we want them to realize their potential? Or because we want them to expand on the qualities in them that we are attracted to so that we remain attracted to them or become moreso? It's selfishly motivated, and if we are psychological egoists, then maybe it's the latter.

They say cute wears off, but maybe cute allows the other stuff to grow on you? Who knows.

I ran this morning and OOH it was a good run. My grandmother is home from the hospital finally, and I have barely started this freaking poetry essay. Now I have a philosophy one on the plate as well, and a Women in Antiquity take home midterm to work on.

How do I manage to avoid everything? Find a sweet face and make it smile at me.

What a sucker I am.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish