Thursday, Sept. 08, 2005 - 7:50 a.m.
Why am I up so early?

Some observations about my instructors. I love doing this. At the beginning of each term, I always do a little character profile of my instructors, noting little weird things they do etc.

The first thing I noticed is that my literature instructor, who teaches CHAUCER and SHAKESPEARE and MILTON, and speaks middle english beautifully, pronounces literature, "lititure".


It makes me crazy. I'm anal about that stuff, if you can believe it.

So you wanna know what I love about Fleet? I can ask him things without being afraid. We talked a good deal last night after the event we attended, and he made it very clear that he has feelings for me just as I have feelings for him.

There. Ask and ye shalle receive, no? He's still got his guard up, he's not ready to leap back into the fray still, but he is getting better every day, and it shows.

I really have to calm the hell down.

Wow, it's like a freak show. "See the Amazing Swinging Mood Monster! Watch her rocket from despair and disbelief to understanding, comfort and happiness in the blink of an eye! You won't believe what you see!!! Tickets $30 at the door."

I need a little stability in my life. I guess with the rhythm of school starting up etc, I'll be a little more nestled. It's going to take some time to be busy.

I have some existentialism to read now. Or maybe just some coffee with Helen. More on my instructors later...

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish