Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2006 - 8:58 p.m.
Today in Therapy...

He is not capable. I am so far beyond him, I'm out of his league. But he, as the human that is, is not capable of fathoming me. He cannot understand me, he is not able to comprehend the depth and capacity that is me.

I painted today in the session, something sort of like my usual swirly decorative stuff. Then she made me throw out words that the painting made me think - just whatever came to mind, then write those words in random fashion on the page. Then join those words with other words into a poem.

Here's what I got:

Unbalanced by a choice
between tight spots
colourless in their molecular shapes
spirals that end up like petals
dissipating in a lake

It may not mean much to anyone else, but this little piecing together of random words weighs a lot to me. There is some telling substance in them. I spent the day feeling very sad and defeated, missing something that will never come.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish