Monday, Aug. 23, 2004 - 10:50 a.m.
skunky the stinkless pet skunk

Weird dreams. I dreamed that I was coaching a children's soccer game and suddenly a skunk wandered onto the pitch. I tried to shoo it off and ended up being followed by it around this weird maze that had walls.

I walked along the top of the walls while the skunk ran along the ground and tried to climb the exposed beams in the walls to reach me. I thought it was trying to attack. Finally it caught up to me, but didn't attack. It became friendly and lovey dovey. It didn't spray, and it didn't smell either. Oddly. So I adopted it, afforded it the humiliation and mutilation of having it's stink glands removed and it lived a happy life as my pet.

I have a strange, strange mind.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish