Saturday, Oct. 30, 2004 - 12:07 a.m.
power on through, there's much to be done

I ran for 45 minutes solid today and wasn't dead meat at the end of it. I might have even been able to push it and make it an hour, but I had to go home. I don't mean it was particularly easy, but I hit that runner's high and felt powerful. I focused on feeling my individual muscles pushing and pulling. My legs felt solid. I was solid. I felt the machine that is the human body (oh how corny, but that's what it felt like). And I ran on an incline too. I'm very proud of myself. Very. 10k SunRun in under an hour, here I come.

I had another date tonight with the Director. It's strange, when I'm not with him or around him, I'm not that excited about him and I don't think about him too much. But when we're hanging out, I like him quite a bit.

We spent a fair bit of the evening talking about comic books, and for the most part, I found it interesting, though at times I did tune out a smidge. He has sparkly eyes though, and they make it easy to listen, just a little bit.

Eh, you guys don't want to hear about that stuff.

I forgot to mention that last week I worked the Billy Corgan poetry reading. Did I mention that? Can't remember. Anyway, we saw each other. He's seen me. It's a bit mind numbing to think about the degrees of separation thing now.

He and I are aware of each other, or were, at least for that one moment. So now he's touched my life in a personal manner, and I've touched his. So by separation, I'm connected to everyone he's connected to. It's huge. His poetry isn't bad, anyway.

I think my English prof has a significant amount of respect for me. He handed me the writing assignment for today and said "wait'll you see this one" in a manner that made me feel competent, on a level if not similar to his, but at least near. It was a bit conspiratorial. I don't know. I just liked it.

Now it's midnight and then some, and I really wished that my roommate was home when I arrived. He's gone out - as he should, he does have a life, after all - but the house is unnervingly empty without him here.

Despite my griping, I've grown attached to him.

I would still like to move, however. Maybe he can come.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish