Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 - 7:45 p.m.
panic deserves chocolate

I was the biggest wuss out wussie tonight. I had an appointment to meet with my philosophy instructor to discuss my essay and learn how to make it better. But I cancelled because I panicked. And I panicked for two reasons.

I am embarrased about parts of my essay, I just feel like a big dumb dork.

He's exceedingly attractive and I'm really attracted TO him and I'm scared I'll just turn red and feek like a big dumb dork.

So there are many opportunities for me to feel like a big dumb dork. I like to avoid feeling like that same big dumb dork.

Ach. Anyway, I'll try again to meet with him. I can't believe my confidence is so shit and scary that I can't even meet with an attractive instructor to discuss business.

What an idiot. And THEN I asked if we could try again to meet to discuss, and now I feel like an even BIGGER big dumb dork. I'll just chalk it up to being flaky. That always gets the nod and the "ohhhh, yeah, yeah you are" thing.


Now I'm going to have a bath and feel nice and cozy while I stress about all the essays I have to write. But I am going to read something non school related in that tub, oh yes I am.

My cat is in the processes of napping, or as I see it, firmly attaching his hair to my coat.

Soon to come:

How to eat particular chocolate bars. If there is a chocolate bar you like and you would like to know the correct way to eat it, drop me the name of it and I will inform you of the proper chocolate bar protocol.

Mmm Chocolate.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish