Tuesday, Feb. 01, 2005 - 10:12 p.m.
my dome is round

Just saw a flick with the little bro. Hide and Seek, which was cool and scary until the secret was revealed. Then it just sucked.

But I learned a new piece of bikeboy lingo (similar to skate boy lingo)

"Dude, I almost nuked myself in the dome"

I think I laughed long enough in the car for my brother to truly believe I have finally lost my mind.

YOU figure out what it means.

I got bigtime denied by The Other One. He's now sitting somewhere completely different in the classroom. Nowhere near me, and neither does he come over to do our inclass labs together anymore.

What'd I say?

I hate buying pants.

I'd much rather buy skirts.

Books I splurged on yesterday:
Plays for Actresses edited by Eric Lane and Nine Shengold.

The Real Rule of Four, Joscelyn Godwin

Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman (on of my few favourite poets)

Homer's Odyssey. Not in Greek. Yet.

Tomorrow? Probably take back the pants I just bought. Going to play cello now.


ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish