Saturday, May. 28, 2005 - 2:27 a.m.
what a world, what a world...

So Helen and I started working on the TV series she (we) is writing. It's going to be fun.

Ok, I know this is complaining, and not that I should complain, because beautiful weather is uplifting and it makes you feel good about your day, but I gotta say this.

It's FUKEN hot. I can't deal with the heat at night. I can't pull up my covers, I can barely breathe the hot air, it's muggy, oppressive, and my skin is too hot to the touch.

I have all the windows open, and something outside stinks. So now my apartment stinks.

Not that I'm complaining, cuz, gee it's nice out. My bike ride to work and around was lovely. It's just so hot in my apartment, wow. That's what I get for being on the top floor.

OH, and kids, I have a date tomorrow night.


ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish