Wednesday, Sept. 07, 2005 - 8:14 a.m.
Look Up

Another morning and I do feel better. Tthere's no real reason to. Nothing has changed.

I dreamed about snowboarding. I dreamed about the layout landscape of this mountain that I've dreamed before. It doesn't exist, or I've never been there, but I have snowboarded there in my dreams before. In my dream, I took off my boots and rode in my socks. I called them personal wind socks.

I can still see the landscape now. It's so well defined. This time I added a village. Not a Resort Village, but an actual village of people who have lived in this community for 100's of years. There was a crime of some kind that I was involved in figuring out, and I was working with some man, a detective.

There were other people snowboaring. My MOTHER was snowboarding, my brother and some man that was my father, I think. Also a black haired young man that I can only attribute to this lovely fellow that asked me out yesterday.

I'm up early so I can read Chaucer before school. NOOO not the WHOLE thing.

Just the general prologue and a paragraph or two on middle english.

I get to learn to speak Chaucerian! I'm going to feel like knob at first, but it's going to be cool. As you know, I love language.

I thought the film class might be fun and easy. DUMB. Ohhh it'll be fun, all right, but it's not going to be easy. It's a second year class, after all.

I just have to work hard to get on the instructors good side.

Oh yeah, school was fun yesterday. I think I'm going to hate my Lit class, but heck.

"You're cold, maybe you just miss the sun. You fall feeling like it's just begun. So far keeping it together's been enough. Look up, rain is falling, looks like love."

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ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish