Monday, May. 23, 2005 - 4:21 p.m.
off to a good start

Guess what I did.

I spent the morning on set for Grey Matters, a low-budge film with Heather Graham, and then I decided to walk up Robson.

I also got really into the idea of working hard on being fitter.

And then I got home and ate the piece of chocolate cake given to me by some friends.

In other developments, I have a partial floor. It's just the kitchen done, mind you, but it looks GREAT and Graham is doing a fantastic job, and the colour is great and the wood looks great, and I'm really excited.

Aside: My whole house is covered in sawdust and I think both I and my cats are going to develope some kind of weird lung problem.

Off to the video store and to buy some new running shoes. I want to RUNRUNRUN!

yay running.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish