Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2005 - 9:39 a.m.
early morning. well, not THAT early

OK. Stageplay pitch was fantastic. My instructor, who happens to be a very well established playwrite in Vancouver and has his fingers in a whole lotta pies, really liked my idea. On top of saying in a pleased voice "I like that", he said it was simple, and the only pitch so far that was purely theatre. Everyone else pitched things that were ridiculously complex and meant more for TV or film.

I kid you not: there were literally four people who had plots that included cousins who didn't know they were cousins having affairs until they found out they were cousins and then were all heartbroken until they found out one of them was adopted.


This is second year english kids, not the OC.

I'm mean.

Anyway, I was dreading it, and it turned out well. Chalk one up for me. Now I just have to come through and write a brilliant play to match the brilliant idea. EEEK.

Ohhh yoga. You bend me around and make me feel good. I should go to you now.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish