Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005 - 3:17 p.m.
driving thoughts

I was thinking about selflessness and how much of that selflessness is really selfless.

If it gives a person a good feeling to do something, then they're doing it for themselves, no?

What about serving humanity in the name of God? Isn't that just an action securing your position in heaven? Which is ultimately a selfish act as well, since it's you that goes to heaven and not the people you help.

It's just something I was mulling over in the car driving back from the sunshine coast.

Perhaps there are acts or actions, or feelings or thoughts or emotions that are purely selfless, but I bet you could at least try to argue against that.

I'm not trying to be negative either, just exercising my philosophy brain. School starts in a couple of weeks, you know...

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish