Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005 - 12:43 a.m.
different eyes

I have revamped my apartment yet again. I'll get it right soon.

I just reorganized everything, moved a bunch of heavy stuff, swept, drilled holes, screwed things to the wall etc. Now it's looking a bit more liveable, a bit less cluttered. Less clutter more living. I need to do this.

I'll take photos soon and post them.

Or you can just come over for wine n cheese.

Space = perspective. I feel no better about things, but I think differently about them. I'm angrier. I feel lied to, even though he's not a liar. I feel like he lied to himself, and consequently lied to me indirectly. It still hurts. I'm still hurting. New stuff is scary, old stuff is scarier.

I need to be struck by proverbial lightening. Something amazing must happen.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish