Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2004 - 10:41 p.m.
breakfast is the most important meal of the day

I want to live alone again. Though I know if I do I'll get further into this weird shell.

I think I'm actually becoming an introvert. Seriously.

Is that possible? To go from being extroverted your whole life to an introvert who is better off by herself, in some respects?

I am just getting more and more bitter every day. I'm angry, I am distrustful, I am afraid.

I have been invited to breakfast on Saturday, which I'm REALLY looking forward to, but there's a possibility that Cameron and Jana will be there. I didn't ask if they would be there because I didn't want to insult the invitation and be a big baby, but the thought was definitely there in my head.

I think I will dread that moment walking into their place this weekend to see them there. I'm going to just have to look stunning.

Luckily I have to work directly after at the stanley, so A) I have an excuse to look all good n shit, and B) I can get outta there if I need to.

Wow, that's pathetic. Who cares what I look like. I doesn't matter, it doesn't change anything about what's happened.

He's right, I crumple when I'm crying.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish