Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005 - 3:11 p.m.
a little angry - rejected by a stupid registration computer

I'm so pissed right now. The one class I really needed this semester I couldn't get into. And I am currently first on the waitlist.

I'm so pissed. I have to take either 1129 or 1130 - 29 is drama and 30 is film, and of course I want to go the film route but all those classes are full, and even though my grades were excellent last term, I still didn't get to register until late because I'm a new student, so that class is full of people that don't deserve to be there as much as I do. SO UNFAIR, but I guess everyone had to go through it. Booo.

Well. I was going to take an awful course at 8:30 -10:30 at night to get it done, but I decided to forget it, and I'll just do it later. I'm going to be here doing other courses anyway, what the heck, may as well do something interesting with an instructor I like. So I'm taking women in antiquity instead. Much better.

What a traumatic day. I feel rejected. So I'm going to try to sweet talk my way into a second year history class as well to make up the fifth course, as I dropped logic. The instructor, however brilliant and things, drives me a little crazy with his stuttering and strange physical behaviour. I just find him distracting, so I'll wait to take logic with the other fellow, who is back in the summer.

Oh, had another date last night. It was all right. I don't think I like him as much as I should. I'd sleep with him, he's hot, but that's not what I'm looking for at all at all at all.

Just pluggin away, I guess. How are all of you guys doing?

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish