Monday, May. 02, 2005 - 1:03 a.m.
peter pan is my boyfriend

There just aren't enough hours in the day right now.

Which is a bit of a contradiction, since I am DYING to just roll into a ball and sleep. So this is being a grown up, eh? Running around, doing ERRANDS.

My mother does ERRANDS. She makes LISTS.

Guess what I did today?

I made a LIST. And the best part is, I nearly forgot the LIST. I made endless fun of my mother because she would make LIST upon LIST, and LISTS of LISTS and then she would go out and forget the LISTS and have to try and remember what it was she needed to do.

So I ran ERRANDS today. I went to Home Depot, and I helped Brett move the rest of his stuff. I put together a step ladder, because three out of the four semi-useless cabinets I have are actually out of my reach. I'm THAT short. I even whipped out the drill today. Yessir.

I got the TV working and I actually have free Tier 1 cable right now. I guess Shaw leaves it running to entice me to buy it. After what I've seen today, there's no bloody way I'm getting back on the cable wagon. TV is utter shit. UTTER SHIT. Although my sick voyeur self is kinda interested in watching that horrid reality TV show about Texans. It's a bit like watching a car-crash - morbid curiosity.

I am starting to be able to see the floor in here. It's shaping up into a home, and yes, I live here. It's hard to believe that I don't live there anymore, and now I live here. I almost accidentally drove 'home' to the old place last night. Jeeeeez.

Ok bedtime, if I can sleep. I'm a little jazzed up with all the housework I've been doing and tomorrow is another big day full of ERRANDS, a little more furniture moving and dinner with the family. I will get this place in order if it kills me, then I can tear it all up again when I lay the hardwood floors.


God it sucks.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish