Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004 - 10:19 p.m.
how long do you think those paper snowflakes have been in that window?

I'm completely ADHD today. My mind has been racing. What's this? What's that? I wonder if...? Do you think that...? blah blah etc.

I really should sort out the pictures from Randi and Phil's wedding, but I can't be bothered right now. I'm so tired.

I just saw the Bourne Supremecy with Owen. That was cool. I enjoyed it, corny lines and cheesy car chases and all. Karl Urban was in it. I like him.

So yeah, this part of me that's been lying ill for about four months now? The part that's been slowly expiring, twitching now and then, heaving, a few other rattles giving away its condition?

It died today. For good. It's been a strange, tired, ill feeling, sad sad day for me. The underlying me, anyway. I've been able to joke, and do my job, and be functional. Perhaps the ADHD thing is my subconscious way of trying to change the subject. Or keep certain subjects at bay. If I think about all this other crap, there won't be room to dwell on what's really going on.

Anyway. There it is for you in a few adjectives.


How did things turn out this way? I guess I know the answer to that, in a way.

I was duped.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish