Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2005 - 2:51 p.m.
don't get too close to my fantasy

I sorta put myself out of my misery last night.

It caused other misery, but this kind of misery you can get over. I just said nope. I can't do the friend thing right now. You can't do the relationship thing right now. I can't do the friend thing. So we aren't going to do ANYthing. I gave him back his stuff, collected mine, and walked away.

I said call me when you feel ready, and see where I'm at. I fully intend to take this time to get over him. This is not me waiting for him to come around.

This is me saying it's over and it will never happen. If it does happen down the road, it will not be because I waited and held on. It will be because he realized what he had with me, and because he's ready to give it a try. And it will be because at that time I will consider it, and him, how I feel, if I still have feelings, and if I'm still single.

Only then will it have any kind of chance of being something because now it's nothing and the only thing growing is bitterness and that knowledge that somewhere in the past, he didn't want me.

It's hard to forget those things. They hold on better than I do. I ate too much salad at lunch. I hope I poop it all out real quick because I feel like I'm overflowing my clothes.


ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish