Sunday, Feb. 06, 2005 - 8:05 p.m.
Castor, Pollux and Me.

Well. I screwed up. I left the book at school, the one that has all the labs I'm supposed to do in it. For tomorrow. And I was meeting the Other One in the morning to do them. SHIT. So now I have to go over to school early, do the labs in time for latin, after which I get to go over them with him.


My constellation. I was thinking of having this tattooed somewhere?

The Gemini Constellation. Notice that Saturn is currently going through gemini...

And what's devastatingly interesting is that I am a gemini, with a gemini rising - a double gemini, and as if to prove it to the world on a physical level, I have my own set of Castor and Pollux. Twice.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish