Monday, Mar. 07, 2005 - 6:09 p.m.
can you see me?

Wow, that was quick. Already this little thing that I've been trying to no do is becoming strange. He says it's because with him, it always becomes strange. I think it's because I'm doing that thing where I sense some sort of imminent rejection and instantly panic.

How can I make myself agreeable? How can I make myself indespensible? How can I keep it from failing THIS time?

Instead of dealing with things, I eat junk food. And I just get bigger and give myself more reasons to find about why I am once again rejected.

And I take photos of myself, to remind myself that I am real, and I'm still here, and that I haven't faded out of reality the way I've faded out of their memories.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish