Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006 - 11:44 p.m.

It's too quiet in here. It's quiet. The cats have no food, and I gave them catnip instead. Stone them and maybe they'll chill until tomorrow when I can get them some kibs.

I'm trying to finish this short film. My characters are arguing and it seems either forced or too much. Maybe I hate them because they have each other to argue with. I'd almost rather have that than all this quiet.

So when I talk to people, or strike up conversation (because I feel like I am always the one to strike up conversation and if I don't, no one would talk to me) I feel like a pest, a bother, a chore. My neediness for contact is all to painfully obvious and the smell of it makes people nauseous.

And me.

Where is everyone? Where are the people who can't live without me? There are people I can't live without, so musn't there be some who can't live without me? They've all found other people they can't live without to replace me. So now I am not so necessary.

So I just wait. Rapunzel, but I haven't got any hair left to let down. It's all been climbed before, and their weight pulled it out. Their incredible weight that I tried to support as best I could but I just wasn't enough.

I'm going to fucking rot here.

ne gallum quidem...

old fish - red fish? blue fish? - new fish